Hope Gospel Printing Press

Hope Gospel Printing Press



India is the most unreached nation of the world with only 2.3% of the population (1.3 billion) claiming Christianity. India needs to hear the good news of Jesus. Distribution of  gospel literature is the single most effective method in our context due to the ban against public preaching and teaching. The main aim of setting up printing press is to print Christian gospel literature and pastoral resources for distribution in India, Nepal, Myanmar and in Australia.


  • To print resources for pastors and Gospel workers to enrich the resources and scriptural knowledge
  • Print Christian books, pastoral resources, ministry training resources, missionary biographies, bibles, portion of bible books, Gospel tracts, Gospel sign boards
  • 10 million Gospel tracts every month in major Indian languages
  • Printing New Testaments or portions of NT in major languages of India
  • At least print one missionary biography

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